Privacy Policy

Gravitas Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd (the Licensee):

ABN: 93 634 955 150 | ACN: 634 955 150 | AFSL 519498


‘Nexus Norwest’ Level 5, 4 Columbia Court NORWEST NSW 2153

T: 1300 810 908 | E: I W:


In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), this privacy policy outlines the processes by which Gravitas Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd handles your personal information. It delineates the reasons behind collecting, utilizing, storing, and disclosing such data. Additionally, it guides accessing and rectifying personal information, as well as avenues for lodging complaints regarding our handling of your data. Throughout this policy, references to “Gravitas Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd,” “we,” “us,” and “our” pertain to Gravitas Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd ABN 93 634 955 150.

What types of personal information do we gather and retain, and how do we utilize it?

We gather information about you and your interactions with us, such as when you engage with our products or services, contact us, or navigate our website. This data may encompass your identity, contact details, usage of our services, particulars required for insurance inquiries or purchases, as well as records of inquiries or grievances you raise.

Outlined below is further detail regarding specific types of information we may collect from you, along with explanations of how we employ that data:

Information necessary to facilitate requests for insurance coverage: When you request us to arrange a quote or policy on your behalf, we collect personal information about you. This information, essential for our insurance partners’ assessment of whether to provide coverage and under what terms, may include your name, address, contact details, age, and details regarding your assets, business, personal belongings, and financial status.

We transmit this information to insurers, including those furnishing insurance quotes and the insurer for any issued policy. On occasion, insurers may need to relay this information to their reinsurer. Moreover, we may employ your information to oversee your ongoing insurance needs, including notifying you about upcoming renewals and managing insurance policy invoicing.

Information necessary to facilitate claims under your insurance policies: In the event of a claim under your policy, we aid you by gathering pertinent information related to your insurance claim. Occasionally, we may also need to obtain information about you from third parties.

We furnish this information to your insurer or entities appointed by your insurer to assist in evaluating your insurance claim (e.g., loss adjusters, legal representatives, etc.) to facilitate the claim assessment process. Once more, this information may be relayed to reinsurers as deemed necessary.

What is the purpose behind collecting, retaining, and utilizing your personal information?

We collect, retain, and utilize your personal information for the following reasons:

  • To serve as an intermediary for insurers, facilitating the arrangement of insurance quotes or the issuance of insurance policies on your behalf.
  • To help in the event of any claims you may file.
  • To communicate with you, such as responding to your inquiries or complaints, or conveying important information.
  • To fulfill our legal obligations and cooperate with government agencies, law enforcement entities, or regulatory bodies as required.
  • To inform you about other products or services that we believe may be of interest to you.
  • To report to our referral partners as part of our business operations.

How is your personal information collected?

When gathering personal information about you, we employ it for our organization’s core functions and services, which may encompass, but are not restricted to:

  • Provision of requested information or services to you.
  • Promotion and marketing of our services to you.
  • Customization and enhancement of your experiences on our website, solution, or app.
  • Communication with you.
  • Provision of ongoing information about us that may interest you.
  • Researching to improve our existing services or develop new ones.
  • Offering you the opportunity to receive emails and other promotional material.

Should we collect and utilize your personal information for purposes not explicitly outlined above, we will inform you at the time of collection and/or usage.

Should you opt not to furnish your personal information to us for the purposes delineated in this privacy policy, we may be unable to carry out certain activities on your behalf.

How do we store and safeguard personal information?

Primarily, we electronically store and maintain information about you within computer systems. While we endeavor to minimize physical copies of information, some paper files containing personal information are retained. These files are securely archived and stored by external Australian storage providers.

We institute and uphold procedures and security protocols to safeguard the personal information we retain against misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. These measures encompass:

Physical security measures over our premises and physical records, utilizing industry-standard security practices.

Computer and network security, including but not limited to firewalls, user identifiers, and passwords.

Upon the conclusion of our legitimate need for your personal information, we will take appropriate steps to either destroy or de-identify it.

To whom do we disclose your personal information, and for what reasons?

Depending on the nature of your interaction with us, we may share your personal information with our affiliated entities or service partners. However, we do not engage in selling, trading, or renting your personal information. Here are the entities or circumstances to which we may transfer or disclose your information:

  • Our related companies.
  • Representatives, agents, or contractors who provide services to us or on our behalf, such as legal, accounting, and other professional advisers.
  • Insurers, reinsurers, insurance intermediaries, and underwriting agents.
  • Referral partners (if you have purchased through us due to a referral).
  • Your agents and premium funders.
  • Individuals appointed by your insurer to assist in evaluating insurance claims, including loss assessors, loss adjusters, and lawyers.

Additionally, we may disclose your personal information to our website, solution, app host, software application providers, or infrastructure providers under limited circumstances. This could include situations such as technical issues with our website, solution, or app, or to ensure its effective and secure operation. We may also cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the investigation of suspected criminal violations or breaches of our privacy policy, including complaints involving you.

Furthermore, we may disclose your personal information if required by law or with your consent.

Your personal information will be stored and hosted in Australia. However, for purposes such as insurance quotes or client services, we may send the data overseas for further processing, ensuring compliance with all privacy regulations and restricting data usage to its intended purposes only. As global connectivity increases, data centers may be in various locations for enhanced security.


We may use your personal information to provide you with promotional material that may benefit you or other services offered by us. If you do not wish to receive such material, we provide you with the ability to unsubscribe from these communications. You can contact our support team at to request for you to be removed from our marketing communication.

Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, we will not disclose any of your personal information to any other organisation unless the disclosure is required by law or is otherwise permitted by the National Privacy Principles.

Marketing Communications:

Your personal information may be utilized to furnish you with promotional material that could be advantageous to you or to inform you about other services provided by us. However, if you prefer not to receive such material, you have the option to unsubscribe from these communications. Simply contact our support team at to request removal from our marketing communication list.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in this privacy policy, we will refrain from disclosing any of your personal information to any other organization, unless such disclosure is mandated by law or is otherwise permitted by the National Privacy Principles.

Accessing Your Personal Information:

By applicable regulations, you have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, with certain exceptions. If you request access to your personal information, we will need to verify your identity before fulfilling your request. However, if granting access to your personal information would unreasonably intrude upon the privacy of others or is not permitted under the National Privacy Principles, Gravitas Insurance Brokers reserves the right to decline your request. Should we refuse your request to access your personal information, we will provide you with the reasons for our decision.

Updating, Storage, and Security of Personal Information:

Detailed information concerning the protection of personal information is typically documented in your client file. Nevertheless, we also undertake reasonable measures to ensure that the personal information we collect, use, or disclose is:

  • Accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • Safeguarded from misuse and loss.
  • Shielded from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.
  • Deleted when no longer necessary by law, for our business purposes, or functions.

Updating Your Personal Information:

Gravitas Insurance Brokers offer the convenience of updating certain personal details through your account. However, in certain cases, we may request updates to your details in writing and may also require verification of your identity. This protocol is implemented to ensure that all requests for updates to personal information are received from the account owner and to enhance the protection of your personal information.

If we determine that we no longer require your personal information, we may proceed to remove it from our systems. We encourage any changes to your details to ensure the accuracy of our records. To update your personal information, please reach out to us at

Managing Your Complaint:

If you submit a complaint, Laverne Securities Pty Ltd (trading as Investor Desk) will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 48 hours and endeavor to resolve it within 10 working days. However, if resolution within this timeframe is not feasible, we will contact you to provide an update and an estimated timeframe for resolution.

If you remain dissatisfied with our final response, or if you have not received a response within 45 days, you have the option to complain to The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Please note the following details for complaining to AFCA:

Gravitas Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd (AFCA No. 74595)



Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)

Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

It is important to be aware that time limits may apply for complaining with AFCA, so prompt action is advised. For further information on relevant time limits, please consult the AFCA website.

Concerns Regarding Your Personal Information or This Privacy Policy:

If you believe that your privacy has not been upheld or that we have acted inconsistently with this privacy policy regarding your personal information, or for any other inquiries or communication regarding this privacy policy, please direct your concerns to our Compliance Officer via:


Write to:

Compliance Officer

Write to: Compliance Officer
‘Nexus Norwest’ Level 5, 4 Columbia Court NORWEST NSW 2153

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