Terms and Conditions

Website terms of use for www.gravitasinsurance.com.au

Welcome to our website, www.gravitasinsurance.com.au, owned and operated by Gravitas Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd (‘we,’ ‘us,’ and ‘our’).

This page delineates the terms of use governing our website and the utilization of personal information collected through it.

1. Acceptance of Terms

By using our website, you acknowledge your acceptance of these Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them.

2. Website Usage

2.1 Ensure your use of our website complies with these Terms of Use, adhering to lawful purposes and avoiding infringement of rights or inhibiting others’ website use.

2.2 Acknowledge that our website is provided “as is” and “as available,” with no guarantee of security, confidentiality, uninterrupted operation, error-free performance, accuracy, completeness, or currency.

2.3 Understand that periodic maintenance may temporarily suspend website access, services, or functionality without prior notice, for which we shall not be liable.

2.4 Note that Third-Party Links or Content on our website are beyond our control, and we do not guarantee their uninterrupted, error-free, accurate, complete, or current nature. We disclaim responsibility for any loss or damage arising from their use.

3. Content

3.1 We own or hold licenses for the intellectual property rights in our website’s content, including text, photos, graphic designs, and images.

3.2 While you retain rights to the content you submit, by doing so, you grant us a perpetual, irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, display, and distribute it. Your personal information may be disclosed to our suppliers for communication about relevant products and services.

3.3 Our use of your personal information follows our privacy policy, accessible here.

4. Cookies

4.1 Cookies enhance our service and website effectiveness. These small text files, placed on your computer by our web server, can be configured according to your preferences in your internet browser.

4.2 Cookies serve various purposes, including allocating a unique number to your browser, customizing our website, collecting statistics, identifying Third third-party website access, and ensuring security.

5. Advertising and tracking

5.1 Advertisements on third-party websites use ‘cookies’ and, in some cases, ‘web beacons’ to collect information about your visit and interactions with our website.

5.2 After viewing our ads on third-party websites, your usage of our website may be tracked, including the pages you view and online application completion.

6. IP addresses

6.1 Your IP address is necessary for internet use identification.

6.2 We may collect your IP address for your interaction with various parts of our website.

7. Online applications

7.1 Completed online applications provide information for rendering financial services.

7.2 You can suspend and save online applications, with the information retained in our systems.

8. Security of information

8.1 While we take steps to protect information, no internet data transmission is entirely secure.

8.2 We aim to prevent misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure of information.

9. Disclosure to overseas entities

9.1 Generally, personal information obtained from cookies is not disclosed to overseas entities.

10. Liability

10.1 We disclaim liability for any loss or damage arising from your website use. Exclusions include loss of profit, data corruption, special, exemplary, punitive, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages.

11. General Terms

11.1 We reserve the right to modify these terms. Your continued use implies acceptance of changes.

11.2 Severable terms remain effective if any part is void or unenforceable.

11.3 Notices may be sent via email, post, or displayed on our website.

11.4 No employment, partnership, agency, or fiduciary relationship exists between you and us.

11.5 Governed by New South Wales laws.

11.6 Disputes subject to arbitration under the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia Fast Track Arbitration Rules in Sydney, Australia, using English as the language, with one arbitrator.

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